JS Math Methods

JavaScript Math

The JavaScript math object provides several constants and methods to perform mathematical operation. Unlike date object, it doesn't have constructors.

JavaScript Math Methods

Let's see the list of JavaScript Math methods with description.

Methods Description
abs() It returns the absolute value of the given number.
acos() It returns the arccosine of the given number in radians.
asin() It returns the arcsine of the given number in radians.
atan() It returns the arc-tangent of the given number in radians.
cbrt() It returns the cube root of the given number.
ceil() It returns a smallest integer value, greater than or equal to the given number.
cos() It returns the cosine of the given number.
cosh() It returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given number.
exp() It returns the exponential form of the given number.
floor() It returns largest integer value, lower than or equal to the given number.
hypot() It returns square root of sum of the squares of given numbers.
log() It returns natural logarithm of a number.
max() It returns maximum value of the given numbers.
min() It returns minimum value of the given numbers.
pow() It returns value of base to the power of exponent.
random() It returns random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
round() It returns closest integer value of the given number.
sign() It returns the sign of the given number
sin() It returns the sine of the given number.
sinh() It returns the hyperbolic sine of the given number.
sqrt() It returns the square root of the given number
tan() It returns the tangent of the given number.
tanh() It returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given number.
trunc() It returns an integer part of the given number.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    /* Ceil Method Example */
	var a = Math.ceil(1.2);
	document.write(a + "<br>");

	/* Floor Method */
	var b = Math.floor(5.10);
	document.write(b + "<br>");

	/* Round Method */
	var c = Math.round(2.60);
	document.write(c + "<br>");

	/* Trunc Method */
	var d = Math.trunc(8.19);
	document.write(d + "<br>");

	/* Max Method */
	var i = Math.max(8, 10 ,2 ,50 ,25);
	document.write(i + "<br>");

	/* Min Method */
	var j = Math.min(8, 10, 2, 50, 25);
	document.write(j + "<br>");

	/* Sqrt Method */
	var k = Math.sqrt(64);
	document.write(k + "<br>");

	/* Cbrt Method */
	var l = Math.cbrt(125);
	document.write(l + "<br>");

	/*Pow Method */
	var p = Math.pow(2,3);
	document.write(p + "<br>");

	/*Random Method */
	var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
	document.write(x + "<br>");

	/*Abs Method */
	var y = Math.abs(5.25);
	document.write(y + "<br>");

	/*Pi Method */
	var z = Math.PI;
	document.write(z + "<br>");